Our Church History


The Prince of Peace Apostolic Church was established in 1945, Evangelist Senia Johnson was inspired to do a work for God. She and her husband, along with a few praying women, started conducting prayer meetings in a small building located at 40th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. They called this meeting place “under the steps.”  Eventually, she went on to lead the ministry and became Pastor Senia Johnson. The ministry was then renamed, The Prince of Peace Gospel Mission.


This ministry later moved to several locations throughout Chicago, the first being 7321 South Vincennes Avenue.  The next move was to 852 East 75th Street.  Pastor Johnson led The Prince of Peace Gospel Mission until God called her home to be with Him.   

In March of 1966, Elder John H. McCall became the pastor. He had a great commitment and vision to and for the ministry.  He believed “Where there is no vision, the people perish... (Proverbs 29:18)”.  After much prayer and consecration, Elder John H. McCall felt it necessary to change the name of the ministry to The Prince of Peace Apostolic Church. During his 43 years as pastor, he led the church to purchase additional property for parking, and in 1991 to purchase the property where the church is currently located at 6848-50 S. Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.  Elder McCall received two elevations. In 1983, he was elevated to District Elder, and later in January 1995, he was consecrated as Suffragan Bishop where he led and supported other pastors and their churches.

The Prince of Peace Apostolic Church has been a leader in encouraging young and old alike that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13)". Prince of Peace has birthed many ministries as young ministers learned about the gospel, obedience to God, and leadership from Suffragan Bishop McCall. This afforded them with the necessary wisdom and knowledge as they were moved by God to plant new churches to continue the spreading of the gospel.

Suffragan Bishop McCall faithfully led The Prince of Peace Apostolic Church until 2008 when God called him home. His son, District Elder John S. McCall, Sr., who is an anointed and compassionate man, was elected to lead as the new pastor. District Elder McCall graciously accepted the charge to continue his father's ministry, but also had a vision to grow the church's outreach ministry. Under his leadership we initiated Nursing Home Ministry where our associate ministers hold weekly services to residents of nursing home facilities, who are unable to attend church and an Life Insurance Assistance Program to assist those who cannot afford Life Insurance. The church also sponsored annual Thanksgiving baskets and Back to School events and delivered food and school supplies to seniors, children and struggling families.

In March 2019, after 11 years of service, District Elder McCall was impressed by the Holy Spirit to secure the future of the ministry. As he inquired of the Lord, God showed him his assistant pastor who had served faithfully for 15 years as the Minister of Music. On the final day of his 11th Pastor's Anniversary, he passed the mantle to Elder Kermit DeLashment.
Pastor Kermit DeLashment, has a heart for the 21st Century believer who is struggling to find what's real. The church, having been plagued with scandal and dishonesty, has left believers questioning the validity of the church and if there really is a need for it. He is passionately pursuing the mission to bring integrity and resources back to the church. A 3rd generation Pentecostal and an innovative thinker, Pastor Kermit has a deep respect for the Apostolic tradition and practice but is not limited to 20th Century methodology and therefore challenges convention and old theology to prove it's effectiveness in today's world. His heart for God, and God's people, keeps him ever before God seeking His counsel and how to move the body of Christ forward in this ever changing world. His focus is on seeking true spiritual growth by challenging dogma and exploring how vast God is. 
God has and continues to keep him as well as our congregation, "Oh to be kept by Jesus..." As we embark upon our 80th year in ministry, we see that God has truly blessed the Prince of Peace Apostolic Church and we are grateful to have experienced great leadership from such remarkable leaders. For this we give thanks to our Lord!